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Prevalence of Orthostatic Dysregulation in Elementary School Students and Frequency of Individual Symptoms

Korean Journal of Pediatrics 2005;48(2):138-142.
Published online February 15, 2005.
Prevalence of Orthostatic Dysregulation in Elementary School Students and Frequency of Individual Symptoms
Eun Seok Yang, Eun-Young Kim, Kyoung-Rye Moon, Sang Kee Park, Young Bong Park, Young Il Rho
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Chosun University, Gwangju, Korea
학동기 아동의 Orthostatic Dysregulation의 유병률과 임상증상의 빈도에 대한 연구
양은석, 김은영, 문경래, 박상기, 박영봉, 노영일
조선대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Young Il Rho, Email: ryoung@mail.chosun.ac.kr
: The purpose of the present study was to access the prevalence of orthostatic dysregulation(OD) and the frequency of each category for major and minor criteria among elementary school students using the OD questionnaire.
: We carried out inquiry by questionnaire as to the frequency of OD among two elementary schools with 725 students, 10 to 12 years of age, residing in Gwangju, Korea. The questionnaire was made according to criteria proposed by the Japan OD Study Group.
: Of the 725 students(male 390; female 335) questioned, the OD was found in 338 students (53.5 percent). Prevalence of OD in males(59.2 percent) was significantly higher than in females(46.8 percent)(P<0.05). Palpitation with slight exercise(95.9 percent) was the most frequent major symptom. Headaches(85.8 percent) were the most frequent minor symptom among cases of OD.
: The prevalence of OD in elementary school students in this study(53.5 percent) was higher than in other studies. Contrary to studies from other countries, the male to female ratio was reversed. Because the diagnostic criteria seem to be dependent on subjective reporting of the symptoms, a newer diagnostic system based on more objective findings should be established.
Key Words: Orthostatic dysregulation , Children , Diagnostic criteria

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