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Volume 38(5); May 1995
Transcatheter Closure of Secundum Atrial Septal Defect with \Buttoned\" Device"
Jong-Kyun Lee, Seok Min Choi, Jo Won Jung, Jun Hee Sul, Sung Kyu Lee, Jin Yong Lee, Hae Yong Lee
Accepted January 1, 1970  
Purpose : Recently, non-operative transcatheter management of congenital heart defects h as increased due to their effectiveness and safety being acknowledged. In the case of secundu- m atrial septal defect(ASD), closing devices have been developed since 1974 and have been u sed clinically. The authors, having tried the "Buttoned" device which was developed in 1990 an d having succeeded in...
Original Articles
Comparison of Oxygenation and Lung Damage of High Frequency Flow Interruption to Conventional Ventilation in Surfactant Deficient Rabbits
Chang Keun Kim, Churl Young Chung, Hye Jae Cho
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(5):591-601.   Published online May 15, 1995
Purpose : This study was performed kto evaluate the High frequency flow interruption(HFF I) can prevent the lung injury and achieve a bettre oxygenation than conventional ventilation(C V) in surfactant deficient lungs when associated with lung volume recruitment and maintenance, and the need of background intermittent mandatory ventilation(IMV) to prevent the progressive atelectasis during HFFI. Methods : Surfactant deficiency was produced...
The Therapeutic Effects of Dexamethasone Therapy in Neonate with Bacterial Meningitis
Eun Gyung Lee, Kook In Park, Min Soo Park, Moon Sung Park, Ran Namgung, Chul Lee, Dong Kwan Han
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(5):602-611.   Published online May 15, 1995
Purpose : In experimental models of meningitis and in children with meningitis, dexametha-sone has been shown to reduce meningeal inflammation and to improve the outcome of disea-se. We studied the effects of dexamethasone administration in neonates(<2 month-old) with b-acterial meningitis. Methods : We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 30 neonates admitted to the nursery, the Yonsei University College of Medicine...
A Study of Bone Marrow Density in Korean Children of Normal Growth and Development
Byung Yoen Kim, Young Guk Kim, Young Jun Kim, Kee Hwan Yoo, Joo Won Lee, Soon Kyum Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(5):612-618.   Published online May 15, 1995
Bone mineral densitometry is a useful procedure for the early detection of metabolic bone diseases and bone density changes caused by long term drug use. Dual energy X-ray absorpt- iometry(DEXA), a recently developed diagnostic radiologic method for evaluating bone mineral density is widely used because of its high sensitivity, easily obtaine results. and low dose radi- ation exposure. The study...
Trend of Maternal Measles Antibody in Korean Infants before 10 Months of Age
Phil-Soo Oh, Sung Hee Oh
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(5):619-624.   Published online May 15, 1995
Purpose : The measles epidemic occurrence has not well been controlled in Korea. Vaccin- ation schedule for measles in Korea has been modified in several occasions with insufficient da ta base. The most recent recommendation is to immunize at 9 months of age with measles va-ccine(at 6 months of age during epidemics) and reimmunize at 15 months of age with...
Changes of Interleukin-6 Level in Serum and CSF in Aseptic Meningitis
Moon Kyu Kim, Dong Soo Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(5):625-632.   Published online May 15, 1995
Purpose : Aseptic meningitis is an infection of CNS caused by virus and there are remarka-ble changes in endogenous cytokine level. Interleukin-6 is a pleiotropic and multi-functional cyt-okine and plays a central role in host defense mechanisms. We studied the IL--6 level in serum and CSF with the patients of aseptic meningitis and investigated the relationship of IL-6 with C...
Evaluation of Culture Proved Tuberculosis Patients
Eun Kyung Lee, Jae Yoon Kim, Young Jin Hong, Don Hee Ahn
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(5):633-640.   Published online May 15, 1995
Purpose : Childhood tuberculosis is often asymptomatic with low culture rate, but it may res-ult in serious complications via hematogenous spread. Therefore, this study was done to evalu-ate clinical features, laboratory findings in tuberculosis patients proved by culture. Methods : We reviewed retrospectively the medical records of 48 cases of proved tubercul-sosis at the department of Pediatrics, National Medical Center, during...
A Clinical Study of Tsutsugamushi Disease in Children
Jee Yeon Song, Ji Whan Han, Sung Soo Hwang, Kyung Yil Lee, Kyong Soo Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(5):641-648.   Published online May 15, 1995
Purpose : Recently in Korea, there has been an increasing concern regarding Tsutsugamus-hi disease. This disease is increasingly reported in children. The purpose of this study was to c-onsider the possibility that Tsutsugamushi disease may be diagnosed as eruptive disease or F UO( fever of unknown origin) Methods : We reviewed 17 clinically or serologically confirmed cases of Tsutsugamushi dis-ease from...
Structure and Expression of Human Antibody Clones Specific for H. influenzae type b Capsular Polysaccharides
Kyung Hyo Kim, Gook Hyun Chung, Mitchell G. Scott, Moon H. Nahm
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(5):649-659.   Published online May 15, 1995
Purpose : Haemophilas influenzae type b is a significant pathogen in children and several v accines with different immunologic properties are clinically used. An individual produces oligoc-lonal anti-Hib-PS antibodies and the repertoire of human anti-HihPS Antibody (Ah) can be div- ided into two types by the structure of the light chain V region. Ah using A2-VK II gene product, which...
Midterm Result after Transcatheter Occlusion of Patent Ductus Arteriosus with Rashkind PDA Umbrella Device
Chung Il Noh, Eun Sook Han, Ho Sung Kim, Jung Yun Choi, Yong Soo Yun
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(5):668-674.   Published online May 15, 1995
Purpose : To evaluate the appropriateness of the transcatheter occlusion with Rashkind um-brella occlusion device Methods : Among the 54 cases who had been tried transcatheter closure of patent ductus ar teriosus from January, 1992 till December, 1993 at Seoul National Univerity Children's Hospital, the first follow-up evaluation with Doppler echocardioram were done in 43 cases at the mean i-nterval of...
Stem Cell Transplantation in Umbilical Cord Blood(I) Expansion Effects of Stem Cells in Umbilical Cord Blood with Various Hematopoietic Growth Factors
Kyung Ha Ryu, Myung Hee Chung
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(5):675-684.   Published online May 15, 1995
Stem cell transplantation is used for the patients lacking the capability of production of hem-atopoitic cells. Recently, there have been a few studies using the umbilical cord blood as a sou-rce of stem cells, however it remains unclear whether umhhilical cord blood contains sufficient amount to reconstitute the patient. Our study was designed to know that umbilical cord blood is proper...
Prophylactic Effect of Diazepam to Prevent Recurrent Febrile Seiz
Seung Eun Choi, Ki Sik Min, Jong Wan Kim, Kwang Nam Kim, Ki Yang Ryoo
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(5):685-691.   Published online May 15, 1995
Purpose : The purpose of this study was to investigate efficacy of shortterm diazepam prophylaxis in recurrent febrile seizure. Methods : A total of 107 children admitted to the department of pediatrics, Kangdong Sacred Heart Hospital, Ballym University from 1 July 1991 to 31 December 1992, with their first or recurrent febrile seizures(one or two times), were entered in the study,...
Case Reports
Four Cases of Benign Neonatal Convulsion
Hwi Tae Kang, Heung Dong Kim, Young Ii Park, Churl Young Chung
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(5):692-696.   Published online May 15, 1995
Benign neonatal convulsions are classified into benign idiopathic neonatal convulsions(fifth day fits) and benign familial neonatal convulsions. Benign familial neonatal convulsions occur mostly on the second and third days of life with f amily history of autosomal 4ominant trait. The prognosis is favourable but idiopathic epilepsy m ay occur in 5 percent of patients. Benign idiopathic neonatal convulsions ocurr around the fifth...
Two Cases of Congenital TBG Deficiency
In Seong Jo, Ha Joo Choi, Young Ah Lee, Woo Gap Chung, Youn Bok Chang
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(5):697-701.   Published online May 15, 1995
We have experienced 4 and 5-week-old male neonates presented low T4 and normal TSH l-evel by filter paper mothod for neonatal screening, finally diagnosed typical TDG deficiency wit h TBG radioimmunoassay, paper electrophoresis, and autoradiography. Two neonates have ha d no specific complaints and lived well until now. Congenital TBG deficiency is an X chromosome linked inhcritant disorder characterized by l...
A Case of Congenital Dyserythropoietic anemia Type IV
Hwa Young Jeon, Hwang Min Kim, Baek Keun Lim, Duk Woo Park, Myung Seo Kang, Young Kun Deung
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(5):702-706.   Published online May 15, 1995
Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia(CDA) is characterized by ineffective erythropoiesis an d increased numbers of multinucleated red cell precursors in the marrow. This syndrome has b een subdassified on the basis of morphologic and serologic differences in the red cell pecursors. There are some patients with congenital dyserythropoietic anemia who do not fit into the conventional classification of type I, II, or...
Treatment of Vaginal Endodermal Sinus Tumor
Seok Joo Han, Myo Kyung Lee, Chuhl-Joo Lyu, Byung Soo Kim, Eui Ho Hwang
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(5):707-712.   Published online May 15, 1995
An endodermal sinus tumor of the vagina, a rare pediatric malignancy, was managed with c onservative surgey followed by adjuvant chemotherapy(vincristine, actinomycin D, cyclophosphamide : VAC). Treatment related complications were acceptible, and there is no evidence of d isease twenty months after diagnosis. As a treatment option, primary conservative surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy is viewed as a highly attractive alternative...
A Case of Lacquer-Thinner Intoxication
Young Soo Baik, Hee Sin Ko, Kyung Bae Kwon, Doo Kwun Kim, Sung Min Choi, Woo Taek Kim, Jeong Ok Choi, Hyun Jong Sin
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(5):713-718.   Published online May 15, 1995
We experienced a case of Lacquer-Thinner intoxication in a 14 month old male infant who s uffered from aspiration pneumonia, gastrointestinal bleeding, acute hepatitis, acute renal failure, respiratory failure, disseminated intravascular coagulopathy, and focal myoclonic seizure. Lacquer-Thinner is composed of toluene, xylene, methyl ethyl ketone, n-butyl alcohol, ethylene glycol monoethyl ether, and isophorone. The main components are toluene and xylene. Th...
Laryngotracheoesophageal Cleft Type III A Report of 1 Case
Myung Su Lee, Young Eun Lee, Eun Ae Park, Gyoung Hee Kim, Eun Chul Chung, Hac Soo Gyu
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(5):719-724.   Published online May 15, 1995
Laryngotracheoesophageal cleft is rare congenital anomaly due to failure of fusion of the e sophagus and the larynx. We experienced 1 case of larygotracheoesophageal cleft type III in neonate which was confirmed by autopsy. One day of age male newborn infant with grunting, retraction, and copious secretion canofirm diagnosis as laryngotracheoesophageal cleft type Ill by several radiographic studies and sutopsy. Brief review and...
A Case of Sotos Syndrome -Cerebral Gigantism-
In Seok Kim, Joon Hee Kim, Young Youn Choi, Jae Sook Ma, Tai Joo Hwang
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(5):725-729.   Published online May 15, 1995
Sotos syndrome, cerebral gigantism, is a rare disorder characterized by early onset of excessive growth, distinctive dysmorphic head and facial feature, advanced bone development, and nonprogressive mental retardation without evidence of endocrine disorder. We experienced a case of Sotos syndrome in a two year and four month old boy, who was t hought a fragile-X syndrome at 6 months of age. A...
Report of study result regarding effective level of antibody persistence rate after Japanese B encephalitis vaccination
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(5):730-731.   Published online May 15, 1995
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