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Volume 38(10); Oct 1995
Original Articles
Changes of Serum Tumor Necrosis Factor-α and Interleukin-1β in the Sepsis of Neonates
Mi Yeon Lee, Yeon Kyun Oh, Ji Hyun Cho
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(10):1307-1314.   Published online October 15, 1995
Purpose : Cytokines have recently been identified as important endogenous mediators of the host immune response to bacterial infection. But little is clarify about serum levels of cytokines in neonatal sepsis. The aim of this study was to know the changes of the level of cytokines during neonatal sepsis, to compare the level of cytokines in gram negative and gram...
Analysis of Auditory Brainstem Response in the Infants at High Risk for Hearing Disability
Kang Ho Cho, Myoung Jae Chey
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(10):1315-1323.   Published online October 15, 1995
Purpose : This study is performed to evaluate the clinical course, degree of hearing impairment and neurologic outcome of the infants at high risk for hearing disability. Methods : The 603 infants who had risk factors, such as severe birth asphyxia, hiperbilirubinemia requiring exchange transfusion, head and neck anomaly every low birthweight under 1500gm, family history of childhood hearing impairment, bacterial...
Circumcision, Neonates, Pain sensation
In Rok Do, Jeong Ho Lee, Yong Sub Kim, Jong Dae Jo
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(10):1324-1328.   Published online October 15, 1995
Purpose : Routine neonatal circumcision has widely performed without anesthesia under the assumption that the penis of neonates does not yet have functioning pain sensory nerve endings at this early stage of development, and has decreased the incidence of neonatal urinary tract infection. This study was performed to evaluate whether neonates recognize pain during opertion of circumcision without anesthasia. Methods :...
A Study of Antimicrobial Sensitivity to Isolated Bacteria in Ulsan
Sun Ju Kim, Yong Woon Baek, Jin Yeong Jeong, Sung Ryul Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(10):1329-1339.   Published online October 15, 1995
Purpose : The Patterns of predominant microorganisms and their antibiotic sensitivity have been changed by various factors. Identification and evaluation of major pathogenic organisms and selection of optimal antibiotics were essential in the management of infectious diseases. This susceptibility patterns of antibiotics would be useful to improve empirical antimicrobial therapy. Methods : We studied the antimicrobial sensitibity to isolated bacteria from...
Cough Variant Asthma
Bin Cho, Joon Sung Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(10):1340-1348.   Published online October 15, 1995
Purpose : Asthma, one of the most common of chronic cough in children, is easily diagnosed when classic triad; cough, wheezing, dyspnea are presented. However, it has become apparant that cough may be the sole manifestation of this disease. This cough variant asthma is underdiagnosed and undertreated. The clinical manifestations and subject variables of asthma especially, cough variant asthma had...
A Clinical Study of Interrupted Aortic Arch
Myoung Dong Shin, Tae Hun Kang, Hyoung Doo Lee, Si Chan Sung
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(10):1349-1355.   Published online October 15, 1995
Purpose : We conducted this study to determine the clinical manifestations and prognostic factors of interrupted aortic arch(IAA). Methods : We performed retrospective clinical study with chart review in 9 infants who were diagnosed as IAA between January, 1993 and December, 1994. Results : Infants with IA were from 7 days to 92 days of age. Among them, 6 cases were type...
Change of Coronary Arterial Distensibility by Intravenous Infusion of Adenosine in Kawasaki Disease Patients Who Had Coronary Artery Aneurysm
Myung Chul Hyun
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(10):1363-1369.   Published online October 15, 1995
Purpose : To investigate the effect of Kawasaki disease on coronary arterial distensibility, we studied 14 patients with Kawasaki disease who had had coronary artery aneurysms(mean of 4.5years have elapsed after onset of Kawasaki disease). Methods : Using Hewiett Packard-1500 echocardiogram, we measured RR interval, BP(blood pressure), EDD(end diastolic dimension), ESD(end systolic dimension), FS(fractional shortening), LVPWT(left ventricular posterior wall thickness), peak...
Etretinate Induced Cardiovascular Malformations in Mouse Embryo
Il Kyung Kim, Chang Sung Son, Young Chang Dockgo, Yong Hyuk Jeon
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(10):1370-1377.   Published online October 15, 1995
Purpose : Etretinate(Tigason? is an aromatic retinoid currently in therapeutic use for psoriasis but studies have shown that it is a potent teratogen in human and in experimental animal. So we carried this study to observe teratogenic effects of etretinate and to search a possibility of etretinate for using as an experimental model to induce cardiovascular malformation. Methods : In order...
Prospective, Controlled Trial with Dipheny1-dimethy1-dicarboxylate in Children with Chronic Liver Diseses : The Effect on Lowering Serum Aminotransferase Levels
Ji Eun Wunon, Sang Gil An, Ki Moon Cha, Yong Min Chung, Hee Sup Kim, Hann Tchah, Ho Jin Park
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(10):1378-1383.   Published online October 15, 1995
Purpose : The prospective cotrolled study was performed to identify the effect of the dipheny1-dimethy1-dicarboxylate(PMC) on lowering serum transaminases in children with chronic liver diseases. Methods : The twenty patients were paticipated in this study who were followed up in the Department of Pediatrics of the Seoul Red Cross Hospital because of the elevated levels of serum alaine aminotransferase(ALT) and aspartate...
Effect of Prophylactic Treatment of High Doses Recombinant Human Erythropoietin on Anemia in Premature Infants
Soon Seong Park, Seong Ho Hong, Hye Lime Jung, Dong Hyeok Keum
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(10):1384-1393.   Published online October 15, 1995
Purpose : This study was conducted to determine whether prophylatic treatment with recombinant human erythropoietin(rHuEPO) could prevent anemia and reduce the need for blood transfusion in premature infants. Methods : This study was conducted from May, 1992 to July 1994. We randomly assigned 24 premature infants with gestational age less than 34 weeks and birth weight less than 2.0kg. After having...
Relationship of Insulin-like Growth Factor-I with Pharmacologically Stimulated Growth Hormone secretion in Growth hormone Deficient Children
Phil-Soo Oh, Ki-Joong Kim, Young-Iee Yu, In-Joon Seol, Jeh-Hoon Shin
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(10):1394-1403.   Published online October 15, 1995
Purpose : At present, to determine growth hormone(GH) deficiency in short stature, many provocative tests using various pharmacologic agents such as clonodine, L-dopa, insulin should be done. These are not only complicated, but also misleading in some patients. And so, in search of a simple method of detecting GH deficiency that may replace the complicated stimulation test, we measured basal...
The Changes of Thyroid Function Tests and TSH Receptor Antibody Levels During Antithyroid Drug Therapy of Graves Disease in Children
Jeong-Ho Kim, Eun-Young Cho, Han-Wook Yoo
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(10):1404-1410.   Published online October 15, 1995
The mainstay of treatment in children with Graves' disease is antithyroid drug therapy. Most commonly used drugs are methimazole(MMI) and propylthiuracil(PTU). These drugs inhibit thyroid hormone synthesis through mechanisms that interfere with the action of thyroid peroxidase. Since antithyroid drugs are unable to inhigit the secretion of thyroid hormone which is already produced, it takes 2 to 3 weeks for...
Case Reports
Two Cases of Neonatal Adrenal Hemorrhage
Kyeong Hye Jeong, Sung Suk Jeon, Ok Sung Jeong, Son Sang Seo, Jung Mee Kweon
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(10):1411-1416.   Published online October 15, 1995
Neonatal adrenal hemorrhage is not uncommon due to its relative large size and vascularity, thus making it vulnerable to traumatic and asphyxial injuries. It뭩 etiology is unknown, but postulated etiologies include maternal diabetes, obstetric trauma, asphyxia, thrombocytopenia and coagulation defect. Clinical manifestations ate those of a paplable mass in the affected flank, anemia and jaundice. Hypoglycemia, hypotension and hypovolemia may...
A Case of Congenital Hypothyroidism with Echocardiograpnic Features Similar to Cardiomyopathy
Suk Min Choi, Heung Dong Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(10):1417-1421.   Published online October 15, 1995
A case of congenital hypotyroidism with echocardiographic features similar to cardiomyopathy was presented. The patient was untreated and incidentally found. In 2-D echocadiography the ventricular septum was asymmetrically hypertrophied and chest X-ray showed cardiac enlargement. After treatment with thyroid hormone, the septal hypertrophy and cardiomegaly returned to normal. Therefore, we concluded that echocardiographic study was useful for diagnosis and for following up...
A Case of Cutaneous Polyarteritis Nodosa
Hyun Chul Chae, Kyung Hee Choi, Mi Soo Ahn, Ji Sub Oh
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(10):1422-1428.   Published online October 15, 1995
Polyarteritis nodosa(PAN), one of the necrotizing vasculitis involving predominantly small and medium sized arteries, is rare disease. PAN may affect many organs such as kidney, heart, liver, gastrointestinal tract, muscles and skin. Cutaneous PAN, a distinct clinical entity, is chronic and benign vascular disease in which cutaneous lesions are predominant with no visceral involvement. We experienced a case of cutaneous PAN in...
A case of Neurologic Sequelae and a Case of Peripheral Gangrene of Extremities Associated with Haemophilus influenzae Type b Meningitis
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1995;38(10):1429.   Published online October 15, 1995
Haemophilus influenzae type b(Hib) is one of the most common organisms causing bacterial meningitis in children aged between 2 months and 6 years. Since introduction of Hib vaccination, the mortality from Hib meningitis has fallen, but major neurologic sequelae, ie, mental retardation, seizure, blindness, and persistent motor deficits, are serious problems. Cerebral infarction was rarely complicated during the course of meninigitis...
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