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Volume 62(5); May 2019
Review Articles
A perspective on partially hydrolyzed protein infant formula in nonexclusively breastfed infants
Yvan Vandenplas, Zakiudin Munasir, Badriul Hegar, Dewi Kumarawati, Ahmad Suryawan, Muzal Kadim, Julistio Tb Djais, Ray Wagiu Basrowi, Deni Krisnamurti
Korean J Pediatr. 2019;62(5):149-154.   Published online January 14, 2019
The World Health Organization recommends that infants should be exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of life to provide optimal nutrition in this critical period of life. After this, infants should receive nutritionally adequate and safe complementary foods while breastfeeding continues for up to 2 years of age or beyond. For nonbreastfed infants, infant formula is an available option...
Neonatology (Perinatology)
Surfactant preparations for preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome: past, present, and future
Ga Won Jeon
Korean J Pediatr. 2019;62(5):155-161.   Published online February 8, 2019
Following the first successful trial of surfactant replacement therapy for preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) by Fujiwara in 1980, several animal-derived natural surfactants and synthetic surfactants have been developed. Synthetic surfactants were designed to overcome limitations of natural surfactants such as cost, immune reactions, and infections elicited by animal proteins contained in natural surfactants. However, first-generation synthetic surfactants...
Neonatology (Perinatology)
Association of vitamin D status at birth and respiratory outcomes in preterm infants
Sook-Hyun Park
Korean J Pediatr. 2019;62(5):162-163.   Published online April 8, 2019
Nephrology (Genitourinary)
Genetic diagnosis of Alport syndrome
Hae Il Cheong
Korean J Pediatr. 2019;62(5):164-165.   Published online January 3, 2019
Original Articles
Neonatology (Perinatology)
Association between vitamin D level at birth and respiratory morbidities in very-low-birth-weight infants
Ian Kim, Sung Shin Kim, Jee In Song, Seock Hwa Yoon, Ga Young Park, Yong-Wha Lee
Korean J Pediatr. 2019;62(5):166-172.   Published online October 24, 2018

Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate vitamin D status at birth in very-low-birth-weight infants (VLBWIs: <1,500 g) and to determine the association between vitamin D level and respiratory morbidity. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted at Soonchunhyang University Bucheon Hospital between November 2013 and November 2017. We collected blood samples and data on respiratory morbidity from 230 VLBWIs on the first...
The role of Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 for the absorption of iron preparations in children with iron deficiency anemia
Jeanette Manoppo, Hilda Tasiringan, Audrey Wahani, Adrian Umboh, Max Mantik
Korean J Pediatr. 2019;62(5):173-178.   Published online January 25, 2019

Purpose: To determine whether Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 plays a role in absorption of iron preparations given to children with iron deficiency anemia (IDA). Methods: We performed a quasi-experimental study involving pre- and postintervention tests using a control group in North Sulawesi province, Indonesia, between July and September 2017. We conducted a single-blind controlled trial that included primary school children who...
Prevalence and associates of obesity and overweight among school-age children in a rural community of Thailand
Teechaya Nonboonyawat, Wuttipat Pusanasuwannasri, Nattanon Chanrat, Natta Wongthanavimok, Danutanut Tubngern, Piengkwan Panutrakul, Mathirut Mungthin, Thirapa Nivesvivat, Panadda Hatthachote, Ram Rangsin, Phunlerd Piyaraj
Korean J Pediatr. 2019;62(5):179-186.   Published online February 8, 2019

Purpose: Information about overweight and obesity among students in rural areas of Thailand is limited. Therefore, we aimed to determine overweight and obesity prevalences and associated factors among school-aged children in a rural community of Thailand. Methods: We selected 9 public schools through cluster sampling in 2 provinces located in central Thailand in 2016. Anthropometric measurements were measured using standard techniques,...
Developmental and Behavioral Medicine
Validity of the Korean Developmental Screening Test for very-low-birth-weight infants
Chae Young Kim, Euiseok Jung, Byong Sop Lee, Ki-Soo Kim, Ellen Ai-Rhan Kim
Korean J Pediatr. 2019;62(5):187-192.   Published online March 20, 2019

Purpose: The importance of the neurodevelopmental outcomes of very-low-birth-weight (VLBW) infants has been emphasized as their mortality rate has markedly improved. This study aimed to assess the validity of the Korean Developmental Screening Test (K-DST), a developmental screening tool approved by the Korean Society of Pediatrics, for the timely diagnosis of neurodevelopmental delay in VLBW infants. Methods: Subjects included VLBW infants...
Case Report
Nephrology (Genitourinary)
De novo mutations in COL4A5 identified by whole exome sequencing in 2 girls with Alport syndrome in Korea
Kyoung Hee Han, Jong Eun Park, Chang-Seok Ki
Korean J Pediatr. 2019;62(5):193-197.   Published online November 26, 2018
Alport syndrome (ATS) is an inherited glomerular disease caused by mutations in one of the type IV collagen novel chains (α3, α4, and α5). ATS is characterized by persistent microscopic hematuria that starts during infancy, eventually leading to either progressive nephritis or end-stage renal disease. There are 3 known genetic forms of ATS, namely X-linked ATS, autosomal recessive ATS, and...


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