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General Pediatrics
Effect of maternal and child factors on stunting: partial least squares structural equation modeling
Agus Santosa, Essa Novanda Arif, Dinal Abdul Ghoni
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2022;65(2):90-97.   Published online May 4, 2021
Question: What effects do maternal and child factors have on stunting? Are there significant indicators of stunting?
Finding: Child and maternal factors had 49.8% and 30.3% effects on stunting, respectively. The primary child factor was infant formula dose, while the primary maternal factor was nutritional status.
Meaning: More attention to nutritional status during pregnancy and ensuring the appropriate dose of infant formula at ages 6–24 months can prevent stunting.
Growth responses to growth hormone therapy in children with attenuated growth who showed normal growth hormone response to stimulation tests
Jae Hyun Kim, Hey Rim Chung, Young Ah Lee, Sun Hee Lee, Ji Hyub Kim, Choong Ho Shin, Sei Won Yang
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2009;52(8):922-929.   Published online August 15, 2009

Purpose:The aim was to investigate the clinical characteristics and responses to growth hormone (GH) therapy in children with attenuated growth who showed normal GH responses to GH stimulation tests (GHST). Methods:The study included 39 patients with height velocity (HV) of less than 4 cm/yr and normal GHST results. Clinical characteristics of patients were analyzed retrospectively. Results:Eleven were born as small for gestational age (SGA)...
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