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Developmental and Behavioral Medicine
Effectiveness of online responsive teaching in young children with developmental disabilities: a pilot study
Jung Sook Yeom, Jeongmee Kim
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2024;67(6):303-311.   Published online May 21, 2024
Question: Does online responsive teaching (RT) impact children's and parents’ emotions and behaviors, and do parents find it satisfactory?
Finding: Online RT significantly improved children's pivotal and problem behaviors, decreased parenting stress, and enhanced parental interactive styles with high satisfaction.
Meaning: This pilot study's findings suggest that online RT can enhance child outcomes, offering accessible interventions amid challenges such as limited access and pandemics.
General Pediatrics
The correlation of depression with Internet use and body image in Korean adolescents
Chang Hoon Lim, Eun Ji Kim, Jong Hyun Kim, Jue Seong Lee, Yoon Lee, Sang Hee Park
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2017;60(1):17-23.   Published online January 24, 2017

To examine the correlation of depression with Internet use and body image perception, and to analyze the risk factors of depression in a total of 920 students in Seoul, Korea.


Students were recruited by contacting school principals and teachers and were encouraged to fill out a self-report questionnaire designed specifically for this study in July of 2008.


Female participants had an increased...

Analysis and Evaluation of the Reliability of Medical Information on Food Allergies on the Internet
Young Bun Cho, Young Shin Yoon, Ji Yeon Chang, Sun Mi Kim, Kwi Sook Kim, Chang Hee Choi
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2004;47(8):868-872.   Published online August 15, 2004

Purpose: The information in the internet is increasing and the number of people using the Internet to obtain medical information is increasing rapidly too. But, compared to the amount of information, the quality of information is extremely variable. To assess the accuracy of medical information on the Internet, the quality of information about food allergies available on the internet examined. Methods:...


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