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A Case of Juvenile Diabetes Mellitus

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1972;15(3):229-231.
Published online March 31, 1972.
A Case of Juvenile Diabetes Mellitus
Kwang Ho Pyun, Bang Sup Lee, Churl Yong Chung
Department of Pediatrics, Catholic Medical College, Seoul, Korea
소아형 당뇨병의 1 예
변광호, 이방섭, 정철영
가톨릭의과대학 소아과학교실
This paper presented a case of Juvenile Diabetes Mellitus. Which manifested its symptoms from the age of 8 months. A 3 3/12 years old girl was admitted at St. Mary’s Hospital with an episode of polydipsia, polyphasia and general malaise on April 13, 1970. On physical examination, she was small stature and slender. Her body weight was 11. 0kg and dehydrated. No abnormal finding was noted in thoracic, abdominal and skeletal and skeletal systems. Fasting blood sugar was 226mg/dl and glucose tolerence test showed 504mg/dl at 30 minutes after giving sugar 20 gm orally, 480 mg/dl at one hour, 438mg/dl at two hours and 307 mg/dl at three hours. In hospital course she was well controlled with Regular insulin 2. 0 units and NPH insulin 9.0 units except an episode of hypoglycemic coma and discharged on 27th hospital day.

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