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Studies on Serum Proteins by Electrophoresis in the Renal Disease

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1975;18(6):434-442.
Published online June 30, 1975.
Studies on Serum Proteins by Electrophoresis in the Renal Disease
Kwang Chung Kim, Young Won Kim, Joo Ryong Kim
Department of Pediatrics, Hanyang University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
腎疾患에 있어서의 電氣泳動法에 依한 血淸蛋白에 關한 硏究
金光井, 金英嫄, 金周龍
漢陽大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室
We studied serum protein fractions by Cellulose-Acetate Membrane Immunoelectrophoresis, which were included 80 cases of acute glomerulonephritis and 7 cases of nephrotic syndrome, and compared with 20 cases of normal healthy children as control group. The results were as follows; 1.In 80 cases of acute lomerulonephritis, generally the distribution of serum protein fractions were summerized as follows; Albumin, arand /3-globulin were decreased ' slightly and. arglobulin increased slightly, but ^-globulin was increased markedly than control group. Serum protein fractions were compared by severity of disease (Group I to IV): Group I showing normal or only slightly elevated BUN and blood pressure; Group II showing markedly increased BUN and decreased urinary output but normal or only slightly elevated blood pressure; Group IH showing markedly increased blood pressure but normal or slightly :elevated BUN; Group IV showing markedly increased BUN and blood pressure and diminished urinary output, and may complicate with hypertensive encephalopathy, cardiac failure and renal failure. In Group I to III, no significant changes in fraction levels except 7-globulin which was markedly increased in Group I and III. But Group IV revealed 47. Z% of Albumin for 58.2% of controlgroup, 8.4% of /3-globulin for 11.7% of control group, and 29. 2% of 7-globulin for 5.5% of control group. 2.In 7 cases of nephrotic syndrome, total protein, albumin, i-and y-globulin were decreased, and a2 and /9-globulin were increased. Significant changes in serum total protein showed 5. 0gm% for 7.26. gm % of control group, and a2-globulin showed 28.1% for 9.56% of control group, which were more marked changes in nephrotic syndrome. 3. In control group, our studies for serum protein fractions were revealed almost sameas other reports

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