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The Value of Routine Chest Radiography in Children.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1979;22(5):377-379.
Published online May 15, 1979.
The Value of Routine Chest Radiography in Children.
Young Suck Hong, Hyo Sup Kim, Jung Il Kim, Mahn Kyoo Yang
Department of Pediatrics, Catholic Medical College, Seoul, Korea.
소아 입원환자에 대한 routine screening test 로서 흉부 X-선 검사의 효용성
홍영숙, 김효섭, 김정일, 양만규
가톨릭 의과대학 소아과학교실
To assess the value of routine chest roentgenographic examinations at the time of admission, we analysed chest roentgenogram of 1,283 patients under the age of 15 who were admitted to St. Paul's Hospital from 1975 to 1977. A bonormal radiographic findings were detected in 111out of 1,283 Patients(8.7%). In 108 patients with abnormal findings, no medical or surgical therapy was required except three nowborn infants who had medical therapy as a result of pneumonic infiltration. In view of clinical analysis of 1,283 patients, it is considered that routine chest roentgenographic examinations were not warranted in patients under the age of 15 but justifiable in newborn infants.

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