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Two Cases of Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonphritis treated with pulse Methylprednisolone Therapy.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1980;23(5):406-412.
Published online May 15, 1980.
Two Cases of Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonphritis treated with pulse Methylprednisolone Therapy.
Soon Pyo Chung, Heung Kim, Kew Taek Kim
Department of Pediatrics, St. Benedict Hospital, Busan, Korea.
Rapidly Progressive glomerulonephritis 사료되는 환아에 대한 “Pulse” Methylprednisolone Therapy 2 례
정순표, 김흥규, 김규택
성분도병원 소아과
Tow patients with severe glomerulonephitis and their serum creatinine clearance of 6.0ml/min/1.73m2 in case 2 were treated with high dosage intravenous methylprednisolone, 30mg/kg given over one hour period on each of six slternate days. Follwing the ?ulse therapy, both patients with rapidly deteriorathin renal funtion began to inprove and theit serum creatinine clearance levels showed over douvble by sixdays In both patients treated early in the curse of their disease, creatinine clearance increased to 80ml/min/1.73m2 in case 2 after one year follow-up and in recent study, clinical and laboratory findings are within normal limit.

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