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Clinical analysis of imperforate anus.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1982;25(9):935-943.
Published online September 30, 1982.
Clinical analysis of imperforate anus.
Si Man Lee, Gie Hwa Yoon, Sang Ki Min, Sung Hwan Kim, Chan Yung Kim
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Busan National University
선천성 쇄항 55례의 임상적 고찰
이시만, 윤기화, 민상기, 김성환, 김찬영
부산대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
55 cases of anorectal anomalies were admitted to Busan National University Hospital and Il Sin Women’s Hospital during the period of Jan. 1976 through Dec. 1981. The following results were obtained. 1. Males were affected more frequently than females by a 3 : 1 ratio. 2. Among them, 40cases(89.1%) were discovered within the second day of life, 6 cases (10.9%) have associated fistula and discovered after 3’ rd day of life. Almost of cases were delivered by doctors(78.2%), although some cases were delivered at local obstetric and gynecology clinices were discovered by their parent after discharge. Almost of cases were admitted within 3’ rd day of life, 12 cases(34.3%) who have associated fistulas were admitted after 3' rd day of life. 3. 31 cases(56.4%) of imperforate anus were low types,21 cases(28.2%) were high types, 3 cases(5.6%) were unknown. Low types were more frequently observed than high types. Associated anomalies were noted in 21 cases(38.2%). Males were more frequently associated anomalies than females, high types were also frequently than low types, Observed overall 35 associated anomalies, in order of frequency were gastro-intestinal anomalies, urogenital anomalies, cardiac anomalies. Fistulas were noted in 31 cases(56.4%), more frequently in females than males. Among them rectoperineal fistulas were observed most commonly. 4. Following procedures were employed. Anal dilatation(12.7%), incision of anal membrane (5.5%), colostomy only (18.2%), preliminaly colostomy with abdominoperineal anoplasty (5.5%). 5. There were an overall mortality rate of 15 cases(27.3%), the causes of death were associated anomalies(60%), prematurity and infection, in order of frequency. Mortality rate of high types were much higher than low types.
Key Words: Anorectal Anomalies, Imperforate Anus.

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