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The normal values of platelet count, mean platelet volume and platelet distribution width in the normal newborn, small for gestational age and premature neonates.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1991;34(3):340-347.
Published online March 31, 1991.
The normal values of platelet count, mean platelet volume and platelet distribution width in the normal newborn, small for gestational age and premature neonates.
Eun Kyung Oh, Hae Yong Lee, Hwang Min Kim, Jae Seung Yang, Baek Keun Lim, Jong Soo Kim
Department of Pediatrics, Yonsei University, Wonju College of Medicine, Wonju, Korea
신생아, 만삭의 부당 경량아, 미숙아의 혈소판 수와 혈소판 지수
오은경, 이해용, 김황민, 양재승, 임백근, 김종수
연세대학교 원주의대 소아과학교실
Received: 10 May 1990   • Accepted: 5 October 1990
The importance of establishing authentic normal platelet count, mean platelet volume and platelet distribution width in the newborn has been emphasized, but they have not been firmly established. We have presented values for platelet count, mean platelet volume and platelet distribution width in the venous blood of term, small for gestational age and premature neonates at postnatal day 1 and 7. The results were as follows; 1) Platelet counts of normal newborn, fullterm small for gestational age and premature neonates at postnatal day 1 were 287±49xl09/L, 260±83x 109/L, 244±73xl09/L. At the postnatal day 7, they were 347±75xl09/L, 309±94xl07L, 346±132xl09/L, respectively. 2) Mean platelet volmes of normal newborn, fulltem small for gestational age and premature neonates at postnatal day 1 were 7.28±0.61 fL, 7.23±0,56 fL, 7.27±0,67 fL. At the postnatal day 7, they were 7.64±0.66fL, 7.79±0.81 fL, 7.87±0.80 fL, respectively. 3) Platelet distribution widths of normal newborn, fullterm small for gestational age and premature neonates at postnatal day 1 were 17.09土0.49%,17.32±0.72%, 17.61±0.84%. At the postnatal day 7, they were 17.46±0.48%, 17.50±0.57%,17.81±0.92%, respectively. 4) Platelet counts were significantly correlated with birth weight at the postnatal day 1. At the postnatal day 7, platelet counts were not correlated with birth weight, but they were more than those of postnatal day 1. 5) Mean platelet volumes at the postnatal day 1 and day 7 were not significantly correlated with birth weight, gestational age. At the postnatal day 7, they were larger than those of postnatal day 1. 6) Platelet distribution widths at the postnatal day 1 were inversely correlated with gestational age and birth weight. At the postnatal day 7, they were inversely correlated with gestational age. There was no difference of them between postnatal day 1 and day 7. These measurements serve to establish normal reference ranges related to gestational age, birth weight and may aid in the evaluation of thrombocytopenic neonates.
Key Words: Platelet count, Mean platelet volume, Platelet distribution width, Newborn

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