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A Clinical Study on Chronic Hepatitis b in the Children

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1994;37(6):767-775.
Published online June 15, 1994.
A Clinical Study on Chronic Hepatitis b in the Children
Bon Su Koo, Han Sang Joo, Yung Tak Lim, Hee Ju Park
Department of Pediatrics, Pusan National University, College of Medicine, Pusan, Korea
소아 만성 B형 간염에 대한 임상적 고찰
구본수, 조한상, 임영탁, 박희주
부산대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
The author observed clinical study and response of -interferon treatment of 43 cases of chronic hepatitis who were admitted to Department of Pediatrics Pusan National University College of Medicine during the period of 4 year 6 months from Jenuary, 1988 to Jun, 1992. The results were as follows: 1) Of 43 patients with chronic hepatitis CPH was 17 cases (39.5%) and CAH was 26 cases (60.5%). 2) Of 43 patients, chronic hepatitis caused by HBV was 37 cases (86.0%), 2 cases were by Wilson's disease, 1 case was by glycongen storage disease and in the 3 cases, the cause was undetermined and CPH by HBV and CAH were 14 cases (82.4%), 23 cases (88.5%) respectively. 3) A peak frequency (46.5%) of chronic hepatitis occurred between 6 to 10 year of age and male predominated in a propotion of 3.5:1 4) On the clinical manifestation, jaundice and hepatomegaly was higher frequency on CAH than on CPH. 5) On the laboratory findings, CAH had higher serum ALT and direct bilirubin level than CPH. 6) On effect of α-interferon treatment for patients of CAH, serum ALT and AST levels normalized in 81.8% of patients, negative conversionof HBeAg was 38.5%, Anti-HBe serocoversion was 7.7%, negative conversion of HBsAg was 7.7% and the clearnce of HBV-DNA from serum showed 60.0%. 7) The HBeAg seroconversion (28.6%) on children of HBsAG (+) mother showed lower reponse than HBeAg seroconversion (50.0%) of HBsAg(-) mother after α-interferon treatment for patients of CAH.
Key Words: Children, Chronic hepatitis B, α-Interferon treatment

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