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Volume 67(3); Mar 2024
Review Articles
MicroRNAs as novel biomarkers for the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric diseases
Hwal Rim Jeong, Il Tae Hwang
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2024;67(3):119-125.   Published online May 24, 2023
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small noncoding RNAs that regulate gene expression post transcriptionally, and MiRNA expression levels vary with developmental stages. MiRNAs play an important role in several biological processes in children, including growth, neuro-development, inflammation, and tumor formation. Research on miRNAs may uncover the molecular mechanisms underlying various pediatric diseases, leading to the development of novel biomarkers that aid in the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of these diseases.
Acetaminophen causes neurodevelopmental injury in susceptible babies and children: no valid rationale for controversy
Lisa Zhao, John P. Jones, Lauren G. Anderson, Zacharoula Konsoula, Cynthia D. Nevison, Kathryn J. Reissner, William Parker
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2024;67(3):126-139.   Published online June 14, 2023
Despite worldwide acceptance of acetaminophen (paracetamol) in pediatric medicine, careful examination reveals no valid objections to the conclusion that early exposure to acetaminophen causes neurodevelopmental injury in susceptible babies and children. Nevertheless, debate that early exposure to acetaminophen causes neurodevelopmental injury has centered around the prenatal period, evidence of which is relatively limited compared to that in the postnatal period, which is the time of greatest absolute and relative risk.
Practical issues of oral immunotherapy for egg or milk allergy
Sukyung Kim, Kangmo Ahn, Jihyun Kim
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2024;67(3):140-148.   Published online June 19, 2023
· Oral immunotherapy should be supervised by pediatricians with experience administering oral food challenge tests and managing allergic reactions.
· Food allergen intake is gradually increased and maintained for years.
· Patients may experience allergic reactions and psychological problems.
· Adjunctive therapies (biologics, antihistamines, and leukotriene receptor antagonists) may improve efficacy and safety.
· Contraindications include uncontrolled asthma, malignancy, active autoimmune disorders, and beta-blocker usage.
Neonatology (Perinatology)
Impacts of maternal COVID-19 during pregnancy on neonatal health and epidemiology
Jae Woo Lim
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2024;67(3):149-151.   Published online December 28, 2023
Newborns born to mothers infected with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) should be closely monitored for respiratory disorders, such as transient tachypnea of the newborn, regardless of their COVID-19 test results. Further research is required of the development of infants born to mothers with COVID-19. The trends in Korea's birth rate and infant mortality rates have not been significantly affected by COVID-19.
Original Articles
Neonatology (Perinatology)
Oral administration of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells attenuates intestinal injury in necrotizing enterocolitis
Yeong Seok Lee, Yong Hoon Jun, Juyoung Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2024;67(3):152-160.   Published online February 19, 2024
Question: What is the optimal dose of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) for treating necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), and is orally administered BM-MSC effective?
Findings: High (1×106 cells) or multiple BM-MSC doses showed similar effects as low (1×105 cells) doses of intraperitoneally administered BM-MSCs. Furthermore, orally administered BM-MSCs were as effective as intraperitoneally administered BM-MSCs.
Meaning: Orally administered low-dose BM-MSCs are a potential treatment for NEC.
Effect of face mask on pulmonary artery pressure during echocardiography in children and adolescents
Alireza Ahmadi, Mohammad Reza Sabri, Zohreh Sadat Navabi
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2024;67(3):161-167.   Published online January 23, 2024
Question: Can face masks alter pulmonary pressure in children and adolescents with and without congenital heart disease?
Findings: Mask removal during echocardiography (ECHO) reduced pulmonary pressure.
Meaning: These findings suggest that face masks should be removed during ECHO in children and adolescents.
Letter to the Editor
Metabolic syndrome and pulmonary dysfunction in asthmatic children during the COVID-19 pandemic
Jue Seong Lee, Sang Hyun Park, Yoon Lee, Seunghyun Kim, Wonsuck Yoon, Young Yoo
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2024;67(3):168-170.   Published online February 19, 2024
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