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Volume 15(1); Jan 1972
Symposium s
Etiology and Treatment of Convulsions in Newbern
youngjin kim, Jeonggyu Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(1):2-4.   Published online January 31, 1972
Infections in Newborn
S.J Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(1):5-9.   Published online January 31, 1972
Original Articles
Clinical Studies on Leukemia in Childhood
Chang Yee Hong, Sang Woo Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(1):10-22.   Published online January 31, 1972
One hundred and eighty-six cases of leukemia in children, aged 0〜 14 years, who were admitted Seoul Nathonal University Hospital for 15 years from Jan. 1957 to Dec. 1971, were analysed. The incidence of childhood leukemia was about 0. 3% among the total patients who visited the hospital during the same period. There were 138 boys and 48 girls (sex ratio, 2. 9...
Effects of Red Mercuric Iodide on Rabbit kidney and Liver
June Chui Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(1):23-28.   Published online January 31, 1972
Toxic effects of red mercuric iodide on kidney and liver of rabbit were studied histologically regarding to the doss and time after single oral administration of the drug. The findings observed are as follows: 1. Cloudy swelling and coagulative necrotic changes in the lining epithelium of proximal convoluted tubules of kidney were observed 6 and 3 hours after administration in small (lOmg/kg of body weight) and...
Statistical Observation for Admitted Patients during The Years of 1966 to 1970 at Ped. Dept. NMC
Chui Koo Lee, Kyu Bong Chung, Keun Chan Sohn
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(1):29-62.   Published online January 31, 1972
Statistical analysis according to W.H.O. classification for the patients admitted to Dept, of Ped.NMC during the years of Jan. 1966 to Dec. 1970 was made. The results obtained were as follows: 1) Total No. of patient during 5 years period were 3192, of which 1197 were male, 62. 5%. Male to female ratio was 1.7...
Two Cases of Agranulocytosis induced by Acetanilid and Dilantin
Kwang Jun Kim, Mi Ja Shin, Kyung Shuk Yang
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(1):63-69.   Published online January 31, 1972
We experienced 2 cases of agranulocytosis induced by acetanilid and dilantin in Dept, of Pediatrics of Seoul Red Cross Hospital in 1971. One who was a 8 year old boy showed complete recovery, clinically as well as in hematologic aspects within one week after discontinuation of dilantin medication by which agranulocytosis was thought to be induced. Bone marrow aspiration performed on recovery showed myelocytic...
Case Reports
Two Cases of Laurence-Moon-Biedl Syndrome in Siblings
C.K Lee, J.S Oh, H.S Lee, J.M Kang
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(1):70-73.   Published online January 31, 1972
Two siblings of Laurence-Moon-Biedl Syndrome who had obesity, mental retardation, polydacty- lism, hypogonadism, and retinitis pigmentosa in 13 year old girl and 10 year old boy were presented and a brief review of literratures was made.
A Case of Alopecia Totalis due to a Simple Ectodermal Dysplasta
Kyu Cha Kim, Yong Ok Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(1):74-77.   Published online January 31, 1972
A Congenital Alopecia due to a simple ectodermal defect was observed in 8 years and 7 months aged female.
Pediatric Electrocardiography ( I )
Changui Hong
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(1):78-80.   Published online January 31, 1972
Pediatric Electroencephalography ( I )
Sanghyeop Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(1):81-83.   Published online January 31, 1972
Medical Education in Britain
Dongsik Chin
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(1):84-88.   Published online January 31, 1972
Original Articles
Abstract From Foreign Literature
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(1):89-90.   Published online January 31, 1972
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